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Legal assistance for family law matters

Lawyer Claudia Grassi

tel. +39 051 6440874
VAT number 02615451206

Lawyer Manuela Tirini

tel. +39 051 6446810
VAT number 02615461205

Studio legale Tirini Grassi - Bologna

Law Firm expertise

  • The Tirini Grassi Law Firm dedicated entirely to the practice of family law and domestic partnerships. The firm’s lawyers are experts in all type of family law matters, including marital dissolution, child custody, child support, spousal, paternity;

  • Tirini Grassi Law Firm has been dealing for years with private international law and particularly with international child abduction. In this sense the Law Firm has set up an experts' network specialized in the over described subjects.
    The Law Firm works throughout all the Italian country and assures a presence in every Italian Court; both active and passive cases of international child abduction (minors abducted from Italy to foreign countries and minors abducted from foreign countries and brought to Italy).

The phenomenon of international child abduction is an ever growing problem. Yet strangely, it is an issue that receives little media attention and it is frequently given a low priority by politicians.

Child abduction occurs when a marriage or relationship ends very badly and there is a battle over child custody, leading to the kidnapping of the child or children in question by one of the parents. Child abduction takes place when one parent, without the consent of the other, takes a child or children from the other parent with the intent of hiding their whereabouts and preventing them from having contact with the other parent.

It is therefore of fundamental importance to use any applicable legal procedure available: in this case the international child protection conventions. These convetions guarantee the basic right of any child to have free access to both parents, and at the same time the right of every parent to have free access to his or her child.

Family law and children’s rights cases are often emotionally charged and the psychological well being of those involved must always be considered.

These very difficult cases require experience and sensitivity with constant attention paid to the needs of the client, family values, and the welfare of the child or children involved.

The Tirini Grassi Law Firm has been dealing for years with family law, with private international law and particularly with international child abduction. In this sense the Law Firm has set up an experts' network specialized in the over described subjects.

The Tirini Grassi Law Firm is a member of Reunite International ( – International Child Abduction Centre - and is entitled to Suprem Court judgements.